
An empowered organization is one in which individuals have the knowledge, skill, desire and opportunity to personally succeed in a way that leads to collective organizational success - M. Shawn Covey

Organizational Development

The overall goal of organizational development is to seek and improve organizational effectiveness and employee well-being. OD focuses on improving an organization's capability by aligning strategy, structure, people, rewards, metrics, and management processes. The purpose of OD is to enable an organization to better respond and adapt to changes in industry/market and technological advances

The OD Process

OD allows organizations to have greater market sensing and market relating capabilities. In a world that is characterized by VUCA events this is becoming even more important as change processes need to be sustained and not merely adhoc or knee jerk. OD helps organizations assess the current situation and evaluate future threats and focus on the entire organizational system to achieve its goals. OD is therefore a more continuous process as compared to transient change processes

1. Identifying & Scoping the Problem

The starting point is to identify an opportunity for improvement. This could be done by anyone in the organization and could be a result of something happening within or outside the organization or purely because of brainstorming potential issues and resolutions. Potential problems could also be identified via workforce reports, analytics, data gathering, customer complaints or several other means. Having identified the problem, the next step is to scope it out in greater detail.


2. Diagnosing

Making a formal assessment of the situation is the next step and comprises a significant part of the Diagnosis stage. This can be done by reviewing documentation, holding focus groups, interviewing, surveying, or any one of several other things. Having all the information and data pertaining to the problem at hand is important for developing an effective solution. Data gathering is a critical part of this stage. This is a time-consuming exercise and some of the questions one needs to bear in mind include - The kind of data? Data source? Data validity? How much data? Confidentiality? Clarity of purpose? Freedom from bias? The OD team at this stage attempts to understand a system’s current functioning. They collect information needed to accurately interpret the problem. The goal is to find the root cause of the issues. An effective diagnosis at this stage provides the systematic knowledge of the organization needed to design appropriate interventions.

3. Designing & Developing the Change     Intervention

At this stage, the OD team (or external consultant as the case might be) provides feedback to the client/ key stakeholders in a cogent and actionable manner. Usually, a report or presentation with a compelling narrative helps executive team members gain a deeper understanding of the problem. Diagnosis and feedback to the client leads to designing an appropriate OD intervention strategy that is problem based. Objectives of OD intervention strategy are developed to have a direct link with business outcomes. The OD intervention strategy is designed to represent the best solution, outlining specific outcomes, and role of each component in the entire process. The design also considers evaluation criteria and how to measure progress. Design provides the blueprint for developing an OD strategy. which is a crucial step as it is directly related to desired outcomes

4. Executing & Leading the Change

Once the intervention strategy has been designed and developed, it needs to be executed. Most change interventions tend to lapse in failure. Change process unless managed well will not deliver desired results. Stakeholders need to be engaged and motivated at this stage. A compelling vision for the Change needs to be communicated and shared across the organization. Stakeholders need to have a clear picture of change and their role at each step. Accountability with meaningful feedback is reinforced for the process to be effective. Kotter’s Change model is a good option to consider at this stage.

5. Evaluating the Change

At this stage, we endeavor to understand the impact of implementing the Change intervention. This can be done be seeking immediate feedback or learning gained through the process, or by evaluating performance. Importantly, this is a continuous process. Data gathering commences right after the change intervention has been implemented. The focus is on identifying the kind of impact the intervention has had on the problem at hand. Analysis of results helps address this. Gathering feedback from all impacted parties is also important. If the problem is eliminated, but leads to secondary issues, it might not be an optimal solution. If required, the process will be repeated. If the changes made had larger positive impact, then the process will begin with the current system in place. If they did not, it may be prudent to go back to the original way things were done to reevaluate. Effective interventions measure their own success and are designed in a way that facilitates comparison between the situation before and after.

Make a Change!

Talent Bridge Consultants has worked with clients across three continents to help design and implement appropriate change interventions.

Write to us at or Contact us to know how we can craft the right OD intervention for your Organization


Ammar Al Shuaibi
The Coaching led me to achieve a promotion to Executive Director – Post Sale, that had been frozen for the past 15 years.
Ahmad Adam
Starting a business is crazy difficult. The family always suffers. My coaching with PeopleFirst helped me raise funds at the right stages and more importantly made me see I didn’t have to choose between family and business
Wong Emily
My 360 surveys underwent a total change after the coaching. My team respects me but I have also been able to engage better with all my stakeholders
Benjamin Davis
The 8 months I spent being coached helped me transform my Business and my Life. The coach helped me revisit my business model and helped me with getting the right investors. Most importantly, I learnt from him how to live a more balanced life
Florence Taylor
When my CEO categorically told me I needed to develop certain leadership capabilities if I was to ever get the top role in my company, I felt it was a lost cause. With People First's coaching, I can’t believe how easy it is to lead people
Mahesh Sinha
I had been struggling with my leadership style for years. My team didn’t like me and my Manager had put me on a short leash cautioning me that I could either change or move into an Individual contributor role. It took 4 months of coaching to transform my life as a leader.
Safwan Alamri
For years, I would leave office with the feeling that I hadn’t been able to complete a lot of my work. Jag’s Magic Quadrant principle and coaching helped me identify certain behaviour patterns. Now I actually have time to work on higher value stories than struggling to complete basic work
Andrew Smith
I moved from London to a large firm in Dubai. It was a promotion for me and I had to suddenly contend with doing media interviews, something I had never been exposed to. The coach’s media coaching tips greatly helped me manage crisis situations and handle challenging media interactions
Sarah Park
I was able to move to Product Management from the Sales function within six months of my coaching. That was something I had been trying to do for years but hadn’t succeeded at on my own
Priya Fernando
Jag is so amazing at how he gets you to go past your limiting beliefs. I can’t believe how easy he has made it for me to talk to large audiences and media people
Rahul Pandey
I have been the top performing Business manager for the past 18 months now. The Business coaching and Behavioural Selling principles I learnt are astounding and the results so tangible
Habib Aatakni
I had got transferred to India as a Business Head and was struggling not to make mistakes that could adversely impact my team and other colleagues. The six culture coaching sessions I had with People First taught me more than I would have learnt from days of cultural sensitization training and reading on Google
Henry Grayson
Moving from Chicago to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, I made two terrible errors within the first week of joining office. The Bank I was employed with helped me reach out to Jag as my Culture coach. It’s a lot easier now. I feel accepted as an Expat, and I am able to get things done without ruffling feathers
Ahmed Al Suwailem
I have gained an extra 10 hours a week. It gives me so much more time with myself and with the people that matter. Not to forget the time I get for ‘Creative silence’ that Jag keeps talking about
Neeraj Bahl
After years of self-loathing and self-doubt, I have been able to start liking myself as a person. And it has made such a big difference to how people respond to me. This coaching didn’t change my life. It saved my life!
Shivshanker SV
Talent Bridge Consultants is an excellent learning & development organization and they have helped create significant value for our business.
Ammar Al Shuaibi
The Coaching led me to achieve a promotion to Executive Director – Post Sale, that had been frozen for the past 15 years.
Ahmad Adam
Starting a business is crazy difficult. The family always suffers. My coaching with PeopleFirst helped me raise funds at the right stages and more importantly made me see I didn’t have to choose between family and business
Sangita Ravi
Talent Bridge Consultants is brilliant on all aspects of performance
Wong Emily
My 360 surveys underwent a total change after the coaching. My team respects me but I have also been able to engage better with all my stakeholders
Benjamin Davis
The 8 months I spent being coached helped me transform my Business and my Life. The coach helped me revisit my business model and helped me with getting the right investors. Most importantly, I learnt from him how to live a more balanced life
Jayesh Sampat
Brilliant stuff
Florence Taylor
When my CEO categorically told me I needed to develop certain leadership capabilities if I was to ever get the top role in my company, I felt it was a lost cause. With People First's coaching, I can’t believe how easy it is to lead people
Safwan Alamri
For years, I would leave office with the feeling that I hadn’t been able to complete a lot of my work. Jag’s Magic Quadrant principle and coaching helped me identify certain behaviour patterns. Now I actually have time to work on higher value stories than struggling to complete basic work
Subu Subramanian
had the privilege of going through my executive coaching by Jagmohan. Jagmohan excels in providing excellent perspectives and solutions for career minded individuals through his deep and insightful leadership coaching. He demonstrates mastery in his craft by carefully evaluating a leaders own and their colleagues' perceived identity using feedback tools and then using them to chart a trend for improvement. During feedback, he allows individuals to participate in their development plan. As a professional, Jagmohan is meticulous and thought through in his approach. I am extremely proud of my professional association with him.
Andrew Smith
I moved from London to a large firm in Dubai. It was a promotion for me and I had to suddenly contend with doing media interviews, something I had never been exposed to. The coach’s media coaching tips greatly helped me manage crisis situations and handle challenging media interactions
Sarah Park
I was able to move to Product Management from the Sales function within six months of my coaching. That was something I had been trying to do for years but hadn’t succeeded at on my own
Dr. Krishnamurthy Iyer
Excellent training on Interviewing skills
Priya Fernando
Jag is so amazing at how he gets you to go past your limiting beliefs. I can’t believe how easy he has made it for me to talk to large audiences and media people
Habib Aatakni
I had got transferred to India as a Business Head and was struggling not to make mistakes that could adversely impact my team and other colleagues. The six culture coaching sessions I had with People First taught me more than I would have learnt from days of cultural sensitization training and reading on Google
Srinath Vedula
The Performance Enhancement program conducted by Talent Bridge Consultants was rated among the Top Two HR initiatives this year at Bharti
Henry Grayson
Moving from Chicago to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, I made two terrible errors within the first week of joining office. The Bank I was employed with helped me reach out to Jag as my Culture coach. It’s a lot easier now. I feel accepted as an Expat, and I am able to get things done without ruffling feathers
Ahmed Al Suwailem
I have gained an extra 10 hours a week. It gives me so much more time with myself and with the people that matter. Not to forget the time I get for ‘Creative silence’ that Jag keeps talking about
Yash Mittal
The faculties were able to deliver a very practical knowledge and their extensive experiences with so many family businesses was a great advantage as they know the loop holes of business and till date they are associated with us and very supportive if there is any guidance required
Ammar Al Shuaibi
The Coaching led me to achieve a promotion to Executive Director – Post Sale, that had been frozen for the past 15 years.
Ahmad Adam
Starting a business is crazy difficult. The family always suffers. My coaching with PeopleFirst helped me raise funds at the right stages and more importantly made me see I didn’t have to choose between family and business
Shruti Singh
Excellent quality of Training and facilitation
Wong Emily
My 360 surveys underwent a total change after the coaching. My team respects me but I have also been able to engage better with all my stakeholders
Benjamin Davis
The 8 months I spent being coached helped me transform my Business and my Life. The coach helped me revisit my business model and helped me with getting the right investors. Most importantly, I learnt from him how to live a more balanced life
Prof. Lata Dhir
Excellent facilitation. Great quality.
Florence Taylor
When my CEO categorically told me I needed to develop certain leadership capabilities if I was to ever get the top role in my company, I felt it was a lost cause. With People First's coaching, I can’t believe how easy it is to lead people
Safwan Alamri
For years, I would leave office with the feeling that I hadn’t been able to complete a lot of my work. Jag’s Magic Quadrant principle and coaching helped me identify certain behaviour patterns. Now I actually have time to work on higher value stories than struggling to complete basic work
Parmeet Singh Grover
Excellent Speaker. Salute to your positive approach and way you are dealing with Life. Keep sharing your experience & thoughts it's motivational.
Andrew Smith
I moved from London to a large firm in Dubai. It was a promotion for me and I had to suddenly contend with doing media interviews, something I had never been exposed to. The coach’s media coaching tips greatly helped me manage crisis situations and handle challenging media interactions
Sarah Park
I was able to move to Product Management from the Sales function within six months of my coaching. That was something I had been trying to do for years but hadn’t succeeded at on my own


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